
What happens when:-
the fridge stops working?
your computer becomes obsolete?
your fluro tubes pack it in?
How do you dispose of them in a safe, convenient, cost effective environmental way?
Recycling will reduce the environmental pressure placed on the earth’s limited supply of natural resources. Recycling electrical products is a lot more cost effective and resource effective than producing new products.
E-Waste and the environment
Electronics contain various amounts of harmful, hazardous and toxic substances.
Electronic waste (e-waste) contains a variety of toxic materials including lead.
* Up to 3.5kgs of lead are found in each computer and TV screen!
Other toxins contained in e-waste include mercury, cadmium, phosphor, arsenic and beryllium.
If we continue to send our e-waste to landfill, it will eventually break down and the toxins will leak out into the soil and waterways, where it can have profound effects on the environment.
Fluorescent Lamps/Globes
The federal government has commenced the phase out of high energy incandescent lamps, therefore reverting to the new low energy fluorescent lamps similar to fluorescent tubes. These are required to be recycled correctly as they contain mercury.
* The mercury from one fluorescent tube can contaminate approximately 30,000 litres of water!
Refrigeration devices and climate change
Trees are responsible for absorbing loads of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
However did you know that for every kilogram of refrigerant that we reclaim from your fridge/freezer and air conditioner equals 1 tonne of carbon dioxide?
The amount of CO2 that is currently in the atmosphere is believed to be the highest in 650,000 years. This is due to the increased production of CO2 and the inability of photosynthesised vegetation to absorb the increased amount.
For example, the average US citizen produces 2.3 tonnes of CO2 every year but the average tree can only absorb approximately 1100kgs of CO2 in an uninterrupted lifetime.
It is important to make sure that the company you use for this process is properly licensed, authorised and can certify that your appliances have been decommissioned correctly and all procedures are recorded and stored as a requirement.
Gasses collected may be used in carbon trading as this process also helps reduce our carbon footprint.
As Seen On Local News Story
The adjacent video clip demonstrates Advanced Recycling Technologies
working in conjunction with the Onkaparinga Council in recovering and degassing fridges/air conditioners from hard rubbish streams.
The Return of Responsibility
How to check if the company that recycles your refrigeration units degasses them correctly by not letting the deadly ozone depleting gas out into our atmosphere prior to recycling.
- Decommissioners must be licenced.
- Must be authorised by ARC (Australian Refrigeration Council Ltd).
- A responsible authorised decommissioner will have kept records and receipts on the amount of gas reclaimed as well as number and type of units that have been decommissioned.
Not only they should be subject to regular auditing processes which they must adhere to with ARC (Australian Refrigeration Council Ltd).
If they have done the right thing then they should not have any problems in demonstrating this process.
We take pride in demonstrating the process we have to go through to our customers, and any other responsible decommissioner should be happy to do so as well. |